Although we show up for others, it's important to show up for ourselves and live our PURPOSE

It's often pretty easy to show up for others because they have a plan for you. Your job has a plan for you, so you show up and you do it.
Also, your husband, wife, parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, children, and friends will ask you to do something, and you do it -- or you sense what they need, so you deliver it.
The challenge is showing up for yourself. And it must be challenging because if it were not, we’d all be living in a world full of happy, healthy, authentic, and purpose-driven folks.
Making self-care a priority
Throughout the day, make time for self-care, whether it's small actions like scheduling a doctor's appointment or big ones like pursuing your dreams. Be sure to ask yourself, "If I do XYZ, is that showing up for myself? How will that help me?"
No need to feel sorry for yourself or feel guilt and regret. Time spent feeling those negative emotions is time you can use to show up for yourself and do what you need to do. This action instantly increases your self-love and self-respect.
So, how do you plan to show up for yourself?
Let's Pray About It!

Heavenly Father, help me understand how to show up for myself. Grant me discretion, wisdom, and insight. Increase my self-awareness, self-respect, and self-love.
Lord, please guide me throughout the day and throughout my life. I KNOW you will enlighten me and help me grow. Please show me how I can show up for myself to increase my inner happiness and peace while at the same time making You proud. Jesus, I trust you to guide my thoughts, my words, and my actions. I know you will adjust my wants and needs to align with how I should show up for myself and my Lord.